I’m seeing the same things. The morning is full of news and headlines. Then afternoon… quiet. Every morning is full of some kind of happening or event, but we gotta keep our heads on a swivel to keep up. And don’t blink or you’ll miss the next headline.

It’s really discouraging to look up into the skies that used to be blue and clear, but are now hazy and filled with streaks. It saddens my heart to know those streaks are raining toxic chemicals all over us and our food and there isn’t anything we can do to stop it. Unless of course, you’re in Tennessee. Blocking out the sun, changing the weather patterns, and cloud seeding is so evil and smells of a rotten stench. The devil can’t be God so he’s convincing humans to play God for him.

The quiet parts of the afternoon are good though. Nothing they “report” is true or factual anyway. The sound of silence is music to my ears.

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I related to all this SadieJay.

The dry-up period n the afternoon - yeah. But I'm also looking less looking in general. So much of this world just has to fall. I'm less interested in the blow-by-blow reporting on it.

We're at a strange point in a strange time. I have no doubt we're here for this time. We're anchoring in what stays, what's true, what the new world will include.

Your writing always make me smile and even laugh out loud. The fact that you retain humor in the midst all this insanity is a perfect example of what stays. ❤️

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Apr 11Liked by SadieJay

Oh my gosh what did happen to Paul Joseph Watson?!??

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I feel ya Sadiejay but I find it's me in the afternoon saying to my love "I've had it with this crap" I'm going outside! I'm tired of the constant war porn and medical lies that filters into my news feeds and the lack of fidelity's to liberty from my fellow americans. I pray daily for the normies to wake the (blank) up! Maybe today will be the day!

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Apr 11Liked by SadieJay

I actually never noticed the time lag, as my 'news reading time' is all over the place and I am always struggling to keep my personal inbox below 100 unread, I have to prioritize my work email, so am often a day or more behind on the 'top stories' anyway. The last 3 months have been 90% focus on local, we got our conservative majority back on our School Board and now gearing up to fight some city council issues, and helping a couple of candidates ramp up for races in November. I have mostly given up keeping track on DC - it's just depressing anyway. Trying to keep my focus on the positive…Look at the birds of the air: They do not sow or reap or gather into barns—and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?

So I focus on what I can DO. And it appears there is some positive momentum. I have gotten a call a day for the last 3 days from random people who have 'decided it's time to step up and get more involved' The 2 DEI candidates lost by large margins in our local SB election. Yeah we are probably pissing in the wind. But at least I will go down fighting.

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