Well done, SadieJay! Now, how can we get this on the airways everywhere? :-)

Your visceral angst and sadness come through. (When you allow yourself to really see it, it is so deeply sad.)

'Monstrous mendacity' - loved that -yes.

I didn't know that about distress as reason for handing the flag upside down. Perhaps a trend could start - by July 4th we'd have upside down flags throughout the country and lots of people asking why?

Thank you for so quickly picking up the challenge and bringing your significant passion and intellect to it. I didn't know about the founders long hours of prayer before signing those documents either, but it doesn't surprise me. Quiet prayer and contemplation used to be a more common thing.


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Yes, I have been thinking about hanging my flag upside down, and actually saw one near an AFB recently. I tried to research more about it, but all I could find was leftist propaganda about how the right wingers were doing it 'for Trump'. Yeah, NOT. One man cannot save this nation. It is going to take all of us and a come to Jesus moment. I choose to not put my trust in a man. Give us more credit than that! Alito was 100% correct and he knows way more about what is going on in this nation than anyone else, I am willing to bet!

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This comment is a perfect example of how nearly EVERYTHING has been hijacked for someone else's purpose. It's actually a perfect way to announce distress and make a statement about the country.

I wish we could shake the world out like a welcome mat and start over. But alas, it will take longer that that and create bigger messes.

Come to Jesus moment feelin closer all the time...

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Jun 11·edited Jun 11Author

Thank you so much. I was just feeling it yesterday and I am afraid I wasn't worth much in other ways.♥ And...I just saw my typo and fixed it. There might be more than one.

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I did't notice any typos! And honestly on your worst day, you'd still be priceless :-)

The political world and pretend leaders feel mostly dead to me. We need an infusion of real feeling, real love and that's only coming from people who know what's been lost. That's what came through.

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♥Thank you...LOL. I appreciate the words coming from one such as yourself, who I hold in high esteem.

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Our foundation was built on the "Mayflower Compact" and the "Declaration of Independence". Founder by Christians.

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1000%. And where are we now that that base has been tossed out on it’s ear? And it is not going away. All the news coming out about what we knew from day one? They are acting as if it is ‘news’. Not news to those of us who knew…I could have made this so much longer, but there is not enough room to add all the things this nation was founded upon….My family came over from Wales in 1650’s and started churches in MA.

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That was amazingly written! You said it ALL. We ARE a nation in distress. All of our flags should be upside down. Braindead people need to ask why? And we will tell them. I’m going to share this on my substack which has been eerily quiet for a year or so. I’ve had no words. You just gave them to me. Thank you.

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Thank you! I am glad to know it resonates.♥♥

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Jun 18Liked by SadieJay

This is a great idea for a nation-wide project, Kathleen. Sadie Jay's contribution is outstanding!

I have something to send in but it's a photo. I don't know how to submit that to you. I've tried posting it before but it doesn't work. I will try to send it to your email. Let me know if you receive it.

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Thanks Ronnie! I will let you know. I'm thinking maybe I start a new stack to 'hold' what comes in, which I will link to on mine.

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Thanks to Kathleen to leading me here where there's 'nothing to see.' ;-)

And thanks for being first off the block on the SOTU. I was also wondering how I'd wait until July.

My plan, subject to change, is to write a SOTU 2050, post the disillusion dissolution solution.

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It was all in the timing! I had just had a houseful of people for a week of celebrations and my inbox was full. After it was all cleared, I saw her Substack and just needed to do it for me. I lose thoughts and never get them back, so I got it out ASAP. Thank you...I like your idea. 2050. 26 years away...26 years ago I was raising 2 grade-schoolers. If genetics mean anything, I will be around in 2050. Unless God has other plans!♥

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In 26 yrs I will be 93. My parents died at 94 and 96 but I definitely want a different world before following in their footsteps. 26 yrs ago I had a daughter who'd just turned six and graduated from kindergarten, one who was three and a half, and I was 5 mos pregnant with the last. I would name her Cassandra as the one who could tell the future in a way it could be heart, but I'd find it was that aspect of myself born at the same time.

So yes, maybe 2025 is that millennium turning point. And July 1 of 2012, the year everything was supposed to change from the Mayan calendar, would have been the quarter point. Perhaps July 1 2037 will be the time of fruition, when everything's been undone and rebuilt in our own likeness and loveness. And we'll skate into 2050.

Thanks for helping me flesh out this post ;-)

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My mom is 96 and still living independently. She is a voracious reader and her mind is still sharp. Ah yes, the Mayan calendar. I remember that scenario well. I think our perceptions are everything. Holding on to what we know to be true and right seems to be the enemy of the state. They don’t want us that way, or want us at all.

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Thanks, Tereza. I hope we see these big changes sooner than later. I suspect so. But whatever our future is the human heart and spirit is will have a lot to say about how this all unfolds.

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That could be fun! I like to imagine the world I want to see though being chronically impatient, it's always just a little bit in the future. :-)

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I agree with the impatience and feel like I've been saying change is right around the corner for so long, it's hard to believe myself.

Maybe this phase is the time of undoing and will reach its nadir in 2025. I can't imagine us making real changes until it hits that point. But it doesn't mean that will be bad for us--just like many of us thrived and came into our own during the Covid madness.

Like any building project, once you run the first string for the foundation, it exists. The time of conflict and indecision is over. It doesn't need to be finished in order to feel good.

So I think we just need to be in process, and that's coming soon.

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Oh yes…I so agree. When the sun was acting up, I was actually disappointed that something big didn’t happen. Is that bad? Don’t tell anyone. Haha?

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Me too. My timing has been so off and I underestimated the machine that keeps things going, but it's a skewed vision, since we can't see a lot of what's happening; and how deep changes occur behind the scenes first.

I think you're exactly right. And good to remember all the 'goods' already embedded in the difficulties. Thanks, T.

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Jun 18·edited Jun 18Liked by SadieJay

Thank you Sadiejay & Kathleen to help vent our frustration. We see a Full Spectrum Attack on freedom, prosperity, and security.

The 94 Executive Orders from January 2021 was a warning of De-Growth, Tyranny, and The Global Depopulation Agenda. My outdoor flag on the fence seen from the street went into distress, plus smaller flags in 3 windows. Point, the very people who hate God, country, and family actually complain and pout are the reason the flag is "in distress"! (only 18% of children are raised in a 2 parent God Loving Family that prays" today compared to 58% 1970's, all by design.)

"You will own nothing and be happy". "You will eat bugs". The Elite tyrants all fly private jets and claim cow farts, light bulbs, and home gardens cause the weaponized-manipulated weather we all can see. "You buy solar panels and We Block The Sun". Sure. A 3rd grader sees the hypocrisy. Stratospheric Aerosol Injection- Aliminum-Barium-Stronium plus "smart dust", plus Direct Energy Weapons- on Video 2014 CA. Camp Fire, Texas- March 2024. Maui? etc.

Climate Czar said the D-word Jan.2024 "Depopulation". That explain "EVERYTHING"- Full Spectrum War on God's Creation. "They" say: "we are gods"- Narcissists! ENTITLED to murder. INTENTIONAL - Institutionalized - Industrialized - Weaponized Chaos- Crime- Inflation/Banking- The Weaponized 5G NANO -snake&spiderVenom - fetus blood - Pharmakeia-LUCIFERASE JAB - Child Trafficking- Poverty- both Borders Military INVASION- Global War/WW3 Provocation).

"More dangerous threat since 911"- #NO SHITT!! LIKE WE DIDNT KNOW? So why are the borders remain OPEN? Why is the NDAA going to draft young men AND WOMEN and not secure America's Borders? Why has USA & The Globalists spent $1 Trillion dollars in (3) years to overrun Our Borders-Security, bankrupt and crush our cities? --- with a $34 Trillion Debt Pit with no way "out"?

Common Sense- Experience- Intelligence (tu Rush*) tells us, We Targeted for Destruction WE ARE NOT STUPID like Our Executioners constantly PREACH AT US from WH, Congress, and "OP. Mockingbird" Media.

We stupid, "give them their cell phones, video games, HOLLY"wood", and plasma tvs".

Thank you Ladies Of Courage, Love, and God, for mentioning *God*- Our Founding Fathers, & Freedom.

No matter what comes our way:

No Surrender - Gratitude to God - Eternity The Promise - is our Faith and Strength. 🙏

"We give our Lives, our Treasure, and our Sacred Honor" ♡ - as every Patriot & Soldier of The United States of America has given, blood & treasure- through our history.

We were born for these days. "UNITED" 🇺🇸

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♥Yes, perhaps we were put here for a time such as this. It is a big responsibility. I have told God many times that I would gladly switch places with Moses. He can come down here and give them the what-for, but alas, here I sit. I pray at least some of what I have written has caused people to look and find something they didn't know they needed, but was inherently built into this creation by The Creator. If I touch just one soul, then I know my measly Substack that I have been writing for over 2 years is why I am here...well, that and raising two amazing kids who now have families of their own. Victory! Thank you for the kind words.♥

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Thank you SadieJay*

How simple, purpose & meaning before God Himself, trying to wake up "one" soul. Like Noah.

I feel the same passion. What CAN I DO?

God BLESS You*

btw- ....and how did Noah feel about the willfully blind? I meet Veterans!!!!! - that have no clue, no interest, no internet, no Jesus.

And as Truth Warriors for Jesus, we actually don't think with feelings but pure Passion from Heaven to be effective. No doubt we are Sent, on God's Clock.

Thank you SJ for your inspiration.

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Thank you for that♥ It does make me sad about those who have rejected the Truth and Noah? 120 years of this? Well, I guess we are in good company. God bless you as well!

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Goodbye SadieJay.

Jesus with you always.

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Capt Roy and Jayro here on sstk have Criminal Minds.

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Thank you SadieJay for your reply, courage, and honesty. I try, how difficult, every day every report the reality we face is only more unbelievable. We understand how Noah "felt", hopeless, for the blind and stubborn. Yes, it is that unbelievable, is the point. Thank God for other brave souls, whistleblowers and prayer warriors trying to save lives and souls.

Please forgive me. I wanted to reply to your kind words but I'm having difficulty with the headlines, veterans*-- who completely dismiss my intel and warnings, and 2 sstk members who only desire is to try and bait me into arguments and insults.

I just watched a JJ Carrell video on Redacted about the detention camps being built for "us" God Loving Patriots. The worst part is how JJ Carrell laments trying to download and process, just as I'm doing now. I actually want to abandon sstk but being able to respond to souls like you give me purpose and meaning.

Then. I deal with a complete contrast of brain dead Godless arrogant clueless "punks", who are also about to be murdered.

SadieJay, as a Christian, everything I do is NOT about me, but the ignorant falsely accuse me of a "Sob story" or a coward to argue, or, I'm trying to be "smarter than a Veteran, smartest in the room".

I have never seen such a more disturbing, chaotic, and insane culture just getting sicker. I don't even know what a Watchman was 35 years ago, but now I know I was born for this day. You were born for these days. I can feel the heartaches of some who comment. I also see how disconnected they remain.

SadieJay, my reality is that the global Genocide Agenda is so powderful and comprehensive, all I know is the blood horror and terrorism, coming this year. The election is so irrelevant, yet I believe it is the motivation to attack coast to coast.

[I'm listening to Mike Adams now on FM radio from WRWL.ORG Pastor Sanders 10pm-12m - 10am-12n-

("FEMA "death" camps-mass graves- civil war- mass arrests- Entitled Woke will become savages) Disappeared murdered Patriots- Christians- disodents]

I apologise. The scope from having God's hope for Eternity----- to the ignorant fools here on sstk, ------ to seeing how network tv, entertainment, Mockingbird news, etc. is so far from reality is a very disturbing "global rabbit hole". I don't ever want to write here on sstk again SadieJoy. I'm not afraid for myself, murdered or disappeared, who cares? I feel useless! no more "on a mission for God" here on sstk for me.

I saw The Global Agenda since i was born, Kruchev "we will destroy you from within" 1959. America's wars since 1960 Vietnam, 35 years corrupt litigation Lawfare, my own brother had my mother incarcerated- abandoned- and murdered Nov. 2023. I "know the nurse"! - who gave her the Meth mouth) then Fentynol. (571 days she "saw it coming"!)

My 96yo mother begged me to visit that night. I was the last to speak to her. "What medication you on mom"? Then i heard "Who's on the phone telling you not to take your medication"- "MOM"! MOM"! MOM"! (The End)

I called the next morning. They couldn't find the rest home cell phone, "Look in her bed" I said. Mom hid the phone, in fear. My "Globalist brother" sent text 2pm, "Mom died". (ALONE SadieJoy). *The rest home CALLED HIM(?)* - "we told her we loved her". Never mentioned Jesus or Heaven, of course.

Point? How many of us "see it coming" is our message, NOT poor me- pity me, or Chicken Little "the sky is falling" fanatic.

SadieJoy, I just don't know how America will unite to save America.

Thank you for your ❤️! Thank you for this opportunity to "respond".

I trust Jesus, I Trust Impossible all my days. I trust I will see you in Heaven SadieJoy.

Just because I have amazing research and knowledge several decades does not mean I can save lives or souls by writing *here on sstk. They will *never listen.

I am motivated to only connect with the few like you SadieJoy who *Witness Jesus and believe Eternity in Heaven.

I only see door2door Madd Maxx for all of us, before January 2025. Thanksgiving? October "Surprise"?

Let us die "at home", for the God Blessed Right to Be Free/Die Free, with Jesus, on our feet!

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You give me a lot to download!! God wins. The end. My end is with Him.

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Exactly right, Toby!

"No Surrender - Gratitude to God - Eternity The Promise - is our Faith and Strength. 🙏"

We actually have everything we need and if we don't, it will be provided. Thank you!

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Thank you Kathleen, you are so dedicated. You reply to every comment. "Amazing Love"!

You Love- you Care- you Share.

I'm wired to "comment" to good peeps like u, not draft an article. Ok? Feel The Trust.

#1- I have "evidence'' of Jesus in my life. I Trust Impossible several decades and have no business being alive. I don't see many Christians - believers- or *Witnesses in your threads. Maybe i can connect alotta dots today and bring Divine Hope & "Divine Content" sent from Heaven, we just gatta "ask" God Who Loves us.

No I'm not Catholic (born and raised), but I believe in a Holy Father, our Creator. We are "sent" for these days. ("Last Days" - "Days Of Sorrow").

Point? The Secret Societies - Globalists- Tyrants - Luciferians- Satanists ALL BELIEVE IN THE SAME GOD I DO. "First they came for the Christians" - USA 2024- not a typo.

Kathleen, remember their words: "we are gods". There is only one single motive- mission- agenda: "Replace & Destroy God's Creation". They believe in Jesus Christ Kathleen!!! KJV Holy Bible. Read The Prophets. Daniel, Isaiah, Ezekiel, etc.

Read Matthew ch 24, "as in the days of Noah"- Jesus qoute (Red Letter Bible).

Kathleen, no one was worthy to survive The Flood, all "souls" corrupted - "Godless", by The Fallen Angels Genesis ch 6. Nephilim (SteveQuayle.com Gensix productions, + books) (L.A. Marzulli "Seeds & Gold" Genesis 3:15) (Find Tom Horn Prophecy Watchers videos, "The Coming Antichrist")

This war we live is The Luciferian "Cosmic" Agenda: *Dead Rock Earth*, then off to another planet. (Mike Adams founder of Brighteon - untouchable- must follow, says "cosmic") I say a "Galactic War".

We believe The Antichrist will reveal himself very soon, when America & The West is conquered. The Antichrist is to reign planet Earth by - UN Agenda 2030. I have several sources that all agree on this Prophecy. Book of Revelation (Paul wrote). It's all falling in place.

BTW? JESUS IS IN CHARGE. Faith! Heaven is judging America, aka *Babylon 2.0*. "They were partying"- "distracted with themselves"- "give them their cell phones-video games- plasma tv "programming" (see eye Antichrist "term")

Just like USA today, June 20, 2024- "Pandemic Narcissism" -(Lisa A. Ramano + Dr. Rammani @YT). Entitled - Clueless - [God's Creation] sheeple over the cliff, by Luciferian /Satanic design.

Kathleen, "EVERYBODY BELIEVES IN GOD, WHEN THEY DIE"! Michael Yon "liked"-agreed Kathleen. (I joined SSTK because I have alotta the same intel and urgency.

(look at my references for you *K* & *your FAM* : i hav 150+)

(Find Hal Turner web&radio - posts on S.Q.)

(search Geoengineeringwatch.org- EVERYTHING is Contaminated- air-water-soil)

(Find Dr. David Martin on Alex Jones June 19, 1:40m Must See)

The *Script* was written before "time"! God is Great. Holy Father is in charge. Never Forget.

*Don't think with your "Feelings"....anymore* "Finute"! Time for a new life....."girl"♡

Get ready for coast2coast grid down Madd Maxx Blood Lust Blood Worship & Slaughter this year. Millions will be murdered Kathleen. It's all about The Blood. "They" need to insult, mimic, mock, demoralize, deny, rebuke, slander, The Blood Of Jesus.

The globalists "believe in Jesus"!

Is Why they use 13- 33- 666, pyramids, signs, *symbols, colors, sheep, locusts, snakes, Architecture, HOLLY"wood", Pharmakeia, "Blucifer", "Lucious" Vatican telescope in Arizona, obelisks, reflecting pools, "phallus" domes, "as above so below" NYC "Tower One"/ Baphomet images, WA. Monument 666ft tall- 666in at base, "in God (LUCIFER) we trust" US Currency, Blood "Harvest Festival" Vegas, 911 "inside job" war- "cannon fodder", ...."Eyes Wide Shut"-"Zombie Nation"- "Madd Maxx" - "The Matrix" - ai is *here! now!

Award shows- SB Halftime - Music Videos- lyrics, all "coded"!

Research-find Enterthestars & Johnathan Kleck or Kleck Files. Odysee. They "DECODE" EVERYTHING. I follow since 2014. (brave "souls" put their Life on The Battlefield of Truth -Revelation, .....as I do several years---and here for you and your followers - today*

I have no business being alive today Kathleen. "They" want me dead- "They" need me dead Kathleen! *NP*

☆"Dances With Wolves" John Dunbar *opening scene.....& The Agenda!

☆ "Braveheart" Willam Wallace *closing scene: "FREEDOM"!!!

Jesus said "Fear not", 366 times in red letter Bible. "They will hate you as they hated Me" Jesus quote.

We are ALL Eternal Souls. "Life is Spiritual with human experience": Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. C.S. Lewis set out to DENY CHRIST, became *a believer* - like many. Read "Mere Christianity".

I'm no preacher. I put up tall buildings. You never lie, no bullshit- all and every day, or people die. So Kathleen, what am I afraid of when I'm back on the ground? Me and my brothers (and sisters) face death all day. NP.

I also Litigated/Lawfare with The Luciferians- decades- not a choice. Only Truth- no need for anger, and never afraid to die. *NP*

Think "foxhole"- June 20, 2024- "who can you trust"? .....or i call it "Bunker mode".

Michael Yon said it right: " I think war". I have since I was 6yo. 1959. (paperboy until 1969). You read every day Kathleen.

Kruchev"we will destroy you from within". JFK- find "Secret Societies, The Speech That Got JFK Killed" -rumble 19m version.

RFK, MLK - Burn America, Vietnam until 1975, "6 DAY War", Waco, Beirut, etc. Always On Duty all my life.

A Watchman On The Wall Kathleen, "Save Lives"- Save *SOULS*! We all born to serve mankind- Honor God- our Creator- Teacher- Protector, "purpose & meaning". (Jordan Peterson).

*FIND Pastor Benjamin Faircloth -friend of Steve Quayle. (I have 150+ resources & decades of headlines)

Kathleen, yes, listen to that "quiet voice" born IN ALL OF US, The Holy Spirit Of God, "The Comforter".

---- or don't believe, rite?

The "Evidence Of God" is all around you, from what you and your followers claim.

I can show you "The Script" is already written, centuries ago ♡

(God's Soldiers and The Satanists)

Prayer moves mountains, all we gatta do "is ask" 🙏

We were born for These "Last Days"- "as we know it".

We don't wanna be here, for The Tribulation". (some Christians believe in The Rapture)

All Christians believe in *The Second Coming Of Jesus*- any day!


We were Born Free, to Live Free, and "to Die Free"- (because The Blood Of Jesus, The Promise of Jesus) *HIS Word*

"my people suffer for lack of knowledge" - "forgive them Father, for they no not what they do"! His Last Words- Last Breath.

*Matt. 10:34 " I did not come to bring peace, but a sword......"

*Corinthians 1 ch 10 - v 29 "Conscience": our Conscience belongs to God, (means: Never live by anyone's Conscience- no man or woman. Enjoy *Your Personal Relationship with Jesus.

*Ephesians ch 6 - the solution for THIS WAR: "PUT ON THE FULL ARMOUR OF GOD.........."!

♡ Kathleen!!! .......C U N HVN ♡

*The Lord is "our" Shepard........... read Psalm 23, again, again, comes to Life.

Eternity - The Promise-.... from Heaven♡

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What a fantastic follow-through on Kathleen's post!!! Bravo!

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Thank you so very much.

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